How Can I Get Rid of a Large Piece of Furniture?

15 Simple and Highly Creative Ways

Getting rid of a large piece of furniture is as easy as following one of these 15 easy and creative ways.

  1. Donation
  2. Sell or Give Away
  3. Create a Community Library
  4. Garden Feature
  5. Junk Removal Services
  6. Haunted Houses
  7. Municipal Bulk Trash Pickup
  8. Refurbish or Repurpose
  9. Landfill Drop-off
  10. Upcycling Projects
  11. Theater or Film Props
  12. Swap with Neighbors
  13. Offer to DIY Enthusiasts
  14. Escape Rooms
  15. Photography Props


Finding a family in need of what you’re getting rid of is always the first and foremost option.  We have so many needs in our community for simple pieces of furniture, we always recommend that if your large piece of furniture is in decent to good condition that you try to find a new family to use it.

Sell or Give Away

Is your large piece of furniture in great to new condition? While donating is great, we understand that if you spent a lot of money on a piece of furniture that you no longer need, it’s totally acceptable to sell it on a marketplace like Facebook or Craigslist.

Create a Community Library

Is the large piece of furniture that you have a bookshelf, or anything that could resemble one?  We’ve seen plenty of examples of people creating free libraries in their neighborhood with books that residents are free to take and encouraged to leave.

Garden Feature

What looks better in a garden than an old bench?  There’s so many pieces of furniture that could look great in a garden that you might not have even thought of! Green plants dangling out of a dresser could provide a great mix of green and wood to add depth and contrast to your garden.

bookcase repurposed in a garden

Junk Removal Services

Calling a professional junk removal company to come and pick up your large piece of furniture to be removed is a very simple option.  While each company does have their own unique pricing, it never hurts to give them a call and see if they would be best suited for your furniture removal job.

Haunted Houses

Does your old and big piece of furniture look spooky?  Many old pieces of furniture and antiques have that vibe that would be absolutely perfect in your neighborhood or community haunted houses.  Next time the season rolls around, go ahead and see if the home owner would be interested in taking it off your hands!

haunted house furniture piece

Municipal Bulk Trash Pickup

Not a creative solution in any way, but still, they get the job done.  Many cities and counties, however, have long waiting lists and fees associated to this service.  Make sure to reach out before scheduling so you know what to expect!

Refurbish or Repurpose

Refurbishing and repurposing an old piece of furniture can bring it to life in ways you never imagined!  Not only can it invigorate your space, but it’s also a fun skillset to learn and master.  Personally, me and my wife love refurbishing things — even though we’re not that good at it!

Landfill Drop-off

If you have a truck and none of these other solutions seem like a great fit for your needs, go ahead and safely load up your large piece of furniture and take if to the local landfill. Typically there are minimum charges for this service.

Upcycling Projects

Can you take a look at your piece and reimagine it as something else?  That’s what up cycling is, and it’s a great solution for thinking out of the box.  Can you turn a dresser into an organization station?  The ideas are not only hard to come up with, but they’re fun!

Theater or Film Props

Do you ever see a movie and wonder how the heck they got all those old items?  How do they fill a whole set with props from back in the day?  Well, form you of course!  Reach out to local theater or film students to see if they would be interested in your interesting pieces of history for their next project!

furniture used on a film set

Rage Room

Ever heard of one of these places?  You go into a room and take a bat, a sledgehammer, or whatever they got and just start breaking things! These types of companies are always looking for new and big things to break.  Check your area for any companies like this to see if they would be interested.

Offer to DIY Enthusiasts

Don’t want to do the refurbishing yourself but know someone who enjoys it?  No problem, just go ahead and reach out to them to see if they would want to take on the project!

Escape Rooms

Is your particular piece of furniture especially unique?  Potentially there is a escape room well suited for the theme of your piece that they would be interested in taking from you!

Photography Props

Know any local photographers?  Many times they have multiple rooms in their studio with different themes, and you may just have the right piece they’re looking for.  You never know unless you ask!


There’s so many creative ways to get rid of an old piece of furniture, that we suggest you try to do the most eco-friendly solutions first!  Let’s protect our environment and make sure we pay it forward in responsible disposal practices.  If you have any questions or need help removing a large piece of furniture give us a call or fill out the form on the right!

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About the Author: Nicholas Krygier

Nick is the co-founder / owner of American River Hauling and Junk Removal llc. We take pride in doing what's best for our community, answering the phone, and delivering on promises.